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Case Study

Fresno State Associate Professor elevates students Microsoft Excels with ExPrep
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“ExPrep gave me the ability to give my students independence in their practice”
Fernando Parra Associate Professor
Read the Study

The Problem
Students needed proper Microsoft Excel knowledge for their higher-level courses. Students were forgetting the skills they had already acquired in previous classes and needed more practice in Microsoft Excel. Professor Parra also wanted to enhance his student's Microsoft Excel skills before they entered the workforce.
The Solution
Professor Parra began to utilize the ExPrep platform to amplify his assignments and facilitate his students' spreadsheet learning. ExPrep has become essential to Professor Parra's coursework and his student's overall learning.
The Results
After introducing ExPrep into his classroom, students have gained the Microsoft Excel skills they need for their future careers. Our platform has allowed students to hone their practice and advance their skills in a creative and personalized way.
Publisher Vs. ExPrep Comparison
ExPrep has allowed Professor Parra to redesign courses to integrate Excel when completing assignments. It also gives students independence when practicing since students come in with different skill levels. ExPrep allows step-by-step instructions and offers students hands-on practice for many individual modules.
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