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Case Study

MPA Department at The University of Texas Austin leaves publisher platform for ExPrep
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University Of Texas At Austin Logo
“ExPrep has been great for providing support –– to quick communication when troubleshooting.”
Dominick Serra Masters Professional Accounting Career Coach
Read the Study

The Problem
The Masters Professional Accounting (MPA) department was utilizing a competitor platform to facilitate their Microsoft Excel course and would complain about needing better customer service and communication between the platform and the department. Cengage also lacked the capabilities to customize modules and suffice student learning as the MPA department envisioned.
The Solution
With ExPrep, troubleshooting is much easier, and professors and Serra can customize assignments without the risk of being ghosted by customer service representatives. From the students' perspective, it is a more accessible tool to navigate and has also shown higher success in teaching Microsoft Excel to students.
The Results
Serra can now refocus his time on other essential training aspects instead of spending hours trying to troubleshoot outdated platforms. He has also reported students receiving higher scores in their post-assessment test than in their pre-assignment test, signaling success in knowing the popular spreadsheet tool.
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